About the IWWA

Celebrating 60 Years of Waterfowl Conservation!


The International Wild Waterfowl Association (IWWA) was established in 1958 by a group of farsighted aviculturists, conservationists, and ornithologists. Conservation pioneers – Dr. Jean DeLacour, Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Mr. Randall Maybey, Dr. George Allen, and Sir Peter Scott – launched IWWA’s early efforts to preserve the whooping crane (Grus americana) and trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator).

Currently, one-third of all wild waterfowl are considered threatened or endangered. Habitat loss and human population growth are the primary causes of waterfowl declines, and these factors are growing annually.

Today, the IWWA is a group of private aviculturists, students, researchers, conservationists, educators, zoo professionals, and waterfowl enthusiasts from around the world working to preserve all 234 taxa of wild waterfowl, and with your help in meeting the challenge, much can be done.


Purpose & Objectives

The purposes and objectives of this association shall be:

  1. To fulfill the need for a strong international organization of conservationists, students of waterfowl, ornithologists, waterfowl breeders and fanciers.
  2. To work towards the protection, conservation and reproduction of any species considered in danger of eventual extinction.
  3. To advance and disseminate all available knowledge and information on waterfowl and encourage all waterfowl research.
  4. To encourage the breeding of well-known and rare species in captivity so that more people may learn about them by observation and enjoy them in the natural habitats created for this purpose.
  5. To encourage the public appreciation of waterfowl and to promote and expand waterfowl keeping and breeding.
  6. To encourage or enter into projects which will further the cause and welfare of waterfowl either under captive or natural conditions. Special emphasis will be placed on the captive propagation of species of waterfowl whose numbers area being seriously depleted or nearing extinction, and that the efforts of the association will be especially directed toward sponsoring special projects for this purpose, and eventually, as finances permit, the association may develop its own research department and suitable facilities to keep, study and propagate those species in the shadows of annihilation.  Any member of the association will have the opportunity and privilege of using these facilities and the information derived therefrom for their own study of wild waterfowl.
  7. To consult with governmental authorities when needed to protect, foster and advance the rights and interests of those engaged in the keeping and rearing of wild waterfowl for scientific, recreational, commercial or hobby purposes.
  8. To appoint representatives of the organisation to advise or work with state, federal, private or international committees for the preservation and propagation of the various species of waterfowl both in captivity and in the wild state.
  9. That this organisation shall not be for profit, and its dedication is to the advancement of ornithological and avicultural knowledge of waterfowl.
  10. To agree to act in an acceptable, ethical manner in all aspects of personal, professional and business conduct and behaviors and not engage in any activities that violate local, state or international laws, nor participate in conduct that would have an adverse effect on IWWA.